Volunteer since 2019
Starkville, MS
Personally speaking:
Lives in Starkville, MS, Bachelor: Agriculture System Technology Management (University of Arkansas) Masters: Agriculture Extension Education (University of Arkansas)
Getting to know Patterson
Q: When/How did you become involved with Lightbearers?
A: I became involved with Lightbearers in my junior year. I had several friends at the time who had been through the Lightbearers program and they highly recommended it. I tried it out for a year, and fell in love with it!
Q: What excites you most about the Lightbearers vision?
A: The idea of college students being discipled in community. Lightbearers has a great model, find a mentor in your local church, live with other believers, and allow your rent movey to fund missions!
Q: What has been the most influential book you've read this past year and why?
A: Come Let Us Reason by Norman Geisler & Ronald Brooks. Here is a excerpt from the book: “First, it isn’t our logic. Man didn’t invent logic, he only discovered it. God is the author of all logic. So, technically speaking, God does not flow from logic; logic flows from God. Second, it isn’t God that we examine using logic; it is our statements about God. No one is trying to judge God. It is the statements that we make about Him that we analyze with logic. Logic simply provides a way to see if those statements are true — if they fit with the reality of who God really is.”
Q: How do you like to spend your time when you're not working?
A: I like to read, write, pray, build, run and play basketball in my free time!